‘Ah Ha’ Moments and what to do with them…

I recently had an epiphany…the ‘sudden intuitive leap of understanding’ kind NOT the ‘manifestation of divine being’ kind. (In case you were wondering!)

I was at a conference being totally inspired by the thinking and ideas I heard there. (Expanding Learning Horizons in Lorne) Lots of inspiration, lots of great thinking, lots of new tools, lots (and lots) of talk! (Particularly impressed with Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach and encourage all to check out her wiki)

As I pondered people’s willingness to share their ideas and material with us I considered my own workplace and the many other snippets, experiences and ideas I’ve collected on my own learning journey. That’s when I had my ‘Ah Ha’ moment and everything fell into place:

Essential truths about educational change:

  • Education needs to change with the times (Der!)
  • Change is not about adopting the latest and greatest tools it is about passion and reflective practice.

  • Organizational culture is real and needs to be acknowledged and dealt with for real change to occur in schools.Mindsets do need to change and this is not always easy
  • Teachers need to work in teams to build professional learning communities. These shared experiences will help to bring about change.

  • Teachers must build a Professional Learning Network: such groups inspire, encourage and focus thinking.
  • Professional Relationships are important.

  • Teachers need to share their ideas and materials. Professional dialogue needs to be open and reflective.
  • Teacher’s teaching is very personal and important to them and this is why change can be difficult.
  • Best practice is not a ‘one size fits all’ model: best practice is really what’s best for your students and your school.
  • It is important to highlight and build on strengths and positives rather than focus on the negatives and what is not being done.
  • Learning new tools, working within teams, building meaningful curriculum and assessment, reflecting on teaching and learning, adopting new strategies more appropriate to 21st Century learners (etc, etc) is not ‘more work’; it is our work!

  • ‘Change by Stealth’ has its place and can be used to change practice and, ultimately, thinking.
  • It’s all about passion and vision!

Now what?

Time to actually do something!!!

Connect with a colleague; Start a blog or reflective journal to build skills and understanding; Suggest an innovative program at your school; Form a team; Challenge thinking; Start to build a professional learning network; Share material with a colleague (even when you don’t expect anything in return); Publish your stuff on a wiki and invite others to share; Do something differently and, Consider the possibilities…

Where\'s the passion?