The Power of Twitter…

Last year I looked at Twitter and didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. I eventually deleted my account. Recently I signed up again, this time with some understanding of its potential. Now I’m hooked!

Twitter allows for the short and sharp sharing of information, something I believe suits educators perfectly. We always seem to be rushing somewhere, operating on the edge of chaos, planning on the run or snatching quick snippets of professional dialogue with colleagues on the way to class etc. Twitter can operate within that environment because tweets are limited to 140 characters and only take a few minutes to write or reply to. You can tweet throughout the day!

The educators I have ‘met’ on Twitter happily share links, ideas and professional knowledge as well as personal snippets about themselves. I love it. I feel like I’ve stumbled onto the global virtual staffroom…a place abuzz with activity, ideas and energy (and coffee, of course!). My global colleagues are generous with their knowledge, tech-savvy and passionate about education.

Twitter is a Learning Gem with huge appeal and potential.

5 thoughts on “The Power of Twitter…

  1. It took me a few days to realize Twitter’s potential and also to “catch on” to the way it works. I love it now. I am not in a school system right now and during the day I miss “being in the twitter flow.”

    I also follow you on twitter 🙂



  2. bookjewel,
    Thank you for your post; english is “my third” language, so it’s not easy for me to explain the whole new world I’m discoverying in this passionate “quest” for learning,education and real human relationships. Twitter appears as a migthy ally indeed, and now I’ll follow you too.

  3. Hi It is high time that I came and read your blog seeing we have been chatting in meetings and in Twitter. I agree about how addictive it is and how it seems like a group of friends with lots to chat about and share. have you tried using twhirl?

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