A meme for educational change.

Thanks to Elizabeth Koh who tagged me for this meme which was started by TJ:

“List FIVE changes you would like to see in the educational system. Your responses should represent your perspective and your passion for learning and students…tag the following people…from a variety of perspectives. If you have been tagged, tag as many people as you choose, but try for a variety.”

Real life learning is about passionate engagement and lifelong curiosity. I would like to see the education system change to reflect this.  Students need to be provided with more opportunities to explore personal passions and learn about the things that are important to them.  They need to learn that learning itself is actually fun!

Avoid ‘Ivory tower’ type decision-making by ensuring decisions which impact on schools are based on what’s actually happening in schools.  It is too easy to make far-reaching decisions in an office far removed from an actual student, teacher or class.  Administrators and Principals need to understand what is happening out there.  Educational vision needs to be shared.

Increase funding to libraries and work to raise the status of libraries and teacher-librarians.  Libraries are central to learning and can have a huge impact on student learning outcomes in any school area.  The research to support this is overwhelming yet so many people still don’t get it…

Encourage teachers to work together, share resources and ideas, and give them time to talk to each other.  If we work together we will, ultimately, save time and energy to the benefit of our students and families.  We will also be working towards improving the status of teachers and teaching.   Education-based PLN’s are global and achieving wonderful things daily.

Measure real student achievement through authentic assessment and decrease the status of exams as an indicator of achievement.  Students are so much more than their exam grades!

I would like to tag the following people:



@Hershey Thorp



However, I would also encourage anyone with an opinion on this important issue to share their viewpoint

7 things you don’t know about me (Tag…I’m it!)

This meme represents my first official ‘tagging’ and I have to admit I’ve enjoyed every aspect of it, particularly reading about others in my PLN.  Thanks to Anne and Ali Hall for tagging me

My 7 things:
My life has been without major drama or loss and I appreciate that I am one of the lucky ones.  However, a story of loss from my mother’s childhood has always intrigued me … her father, Byron Gould, disappeared without a trace when she was 2.  He was on a business trip to Sydney.  My Grandmother looked for him for some time but there was never any trace of him anywhere.  Mum knows very little about him except that he received cheques from America regularly and he always wore a safari suit.  He was American and may have been Jewish.  She thinks his father was a surgeon.  According to an aunt he was devoted to my grandmother.  I must admit I’ve always wondered if he had ‘another life’ somewhere in the United States and perhaps my mother has several elderly siblings…(Mum’s 78 and still going strong)

I’ve never been able to click my fingers and every time I reveal this to anyone they say, “It’s easy, you just click them together like this,” and they proceed to show me…as though it had never occurred to me before to actually try it like that.   I repeat, “I can’t click my fingers!”

It always surprises people when I tell them my sister is a trained medium.  They invariably say, “You don’t look the type.”   I’m still not sure what ‘type’ you have to be to have a trained medium as a sister!

I’ve always suffered from insomnia.  I get some of my best ideas at 2:00am in the morning.  As a memory trigger for the next morning I throw things from my bedside table onto the floor.  I once wrote a short play in the middle of the night.

I am a visual person who is greatly influenced by colours.  I particularly love pink, blue and red.  I organise my files by colour.  (If it’s yellow you know I’m not that keen on the topic or contents!)  When people are wearing different colours I always notice.  It is so obvious that students have commented on it in the past.  When I was going through my ‘pink’ phase my students described me as the teacher who wears something pink every day!  (That’s when I tried to incorporate red…so now I’m in a red phase!)

I tend to be a very positive person although I wouldn’t necessarily call myself an optimist.  I also tend to be lucky and often wonder if there is a connection.  I have also suffered from depression so I understand both ends of the scale.

I am a middle child and believe this has made me a perpetual ‘peace maker’.  I never take sides and always see other people’s point of view.  I’ve come to realise that this can be both a good and a bad thing (What a surprise!).  It also annoys a lot of people.

I think almost everyone in my PLN has been tagged already for this meme.  However, I would like to tag Mari Hobkirk, Grace Kat, Heidi Pence and Inpi.  (If you have already been tagged please pass it on!)